NE2 reticles, vertical 10mm

Vertical Scales - NE2These scales are used for the measuring of lengths of specimen o...

NG21 eyepiece reticles, Lennox grain analysis

Specialist DesignsLennox Grain Analysis - NG21Reference: L.G. Briarty. "Ster...

NG30 eyepiece reticles, Matthews spray droplet

For size and distribution assessments of aerosol droplets. Used in conjunction with a 40X Micr...

NE120 eyepiece reticles, horizontal

Horizontal & Vertical Scales - NE120, 21 mmThese scales are used for the measuring ...

EMS eyepiece reticles, small indexed grid with scale

These standard reticles are manufactured to use with our microscope eyepieces. High quality, p...

EMS eyepiece reticles, single crossed lines with scale

These standard reticles are manufactured to use with microscope eyepieces. High quality, preci...

NE57 eyepiece reticle, miller squares

Miller Squares - NE57The ratio of large to small squares is 9:1. Originally designed ...

NE34 eyepiece reticles, grid

Simple Grids - NE10, NE11, NE34Simple grids are convenient for making sketches of the...

NE18 reticles, crossed scale

Crossed Scales - NE18Used as a horizontal and a vertical scale, they are especially use...

G50 eyepiece reticles, integrated simplified

Available in 19mm, 21mm, 23mm, 24mm and custom.Simplified from $399.00

NE48 eyepiece reticles, concentric circles wth crosslines

Concentric Circles and Cross Scales - NE48Concentric circles. 10 circles, 1mm-10...

NGM1 eyepiece reticles, Mertz

The Mertz ...

NG52 eyepiece reticles, Chalkley point array

Chalkley Point Array - NG52This is used to quickly determine the relationship of comp...

NG14 eyepiece reticles, geology and soil analysis

Counting Pattern - NG14Simple counting for geological and soil analysis.Refer...

NG12 eyepiece reticles, modified portion globes/circles

New Porton - NG12The NG12 is particularly useful since the array of globes and circle...

G57 eyepiece reticles, pharmaceutical PSA pattern

This graticule was designed for the pharmaceutical industry. However, it is also useful where ...

G23 eyepiece reticles, Thompson dust analysis

For counting particles in any of three areas of known size. The graticule is calibrated in the...

G24 eyepiece reticles, Walton/Beckett for asbestos

Calibration factors are required for each of these graticules. See note below.The Walto...

NG5 eyepiece reticles, Fairs

Fairs - NG5Designed to extend the sizing range of globe and circle graticules....

NG10 eyepiece reticles, standard globes/circles

Imperial S...

NGW2 eyepiece reticles, Weibel 2

The Mertz Graticule (36 Points) - NGM1Used when making a surface to volume ratio of a...

NG1 eyepiece reticles, paterson globes/circles

Paterson Globes and Circles - NG1The graticule consists of a central rectangle, sub-d...

NG2 eyepiece reticles, original portion globes/circles

Porton - NG2The circle areas of the Porton greaticules increases with Root 2 progress...

G25 eyepiece reticles, Walton/Beckett for asbestos

Calibration factors are required for each of these graticules. See note below.The Walto...

G22 eyepiece reticles, Walton/Beckett for asbestos

Calibration factors are required for each of these graticules. See note below.The Walto...

NE38 eyepiece reticles, index pattern

Squares - NE38Combines three areas in one for convenience, giving area ratios A:B of ...

NGW3 eyepiece reticles, Weibel 3

Weibel 3 - GW3

NE11A eyepiece reticles, index pattern

Indexed Grids - NE10A, NE11A, NE34A, NE71Useful for particle counting, particularly whe...

NGW1 eyepiece reticles, Weibel 1 (EMS)

Weibel 1 - NGW1Consists of 15 lines of equal length connecting the verticals of a reg...

NE42 eyepiece reticles, concentric circle

Concentric Circles - NE42, NE43, NE44, NE47Can be used for two-way measurement when c...

NE34A eyepiece reticles, index numbered squares

Indexed Grids - NE10A, NE11A, NE34A, NE71Useful for particle counting, particularly w...

NE11 eyepiece reticles, square grid

Simple Grids - NE10, NE11, NE34Simple grids are convenient for making sketches of the o...

NE35 eyepiece reticles, index numbered squares

Indexed Grids - NE35Useful for area of specimen determinations, especially rectangula...

NE29 eyepiece reticles, whipple grid

Whipple Grid - NE29Originally designed for water particle analysis, but may be used f...

NE10 eyepiece reticles, grid

Simple Grids - NE10, NE11, NE34Simple grids are convenient for making sketches of the o...

NE10A eyepiece reticles, index numbered squares

Indexed Grids - NE10A, NE11A, NE34A, NE71Useful for particle counting, particularly whe...

NE19 eyepiece reticles, gauge pairs

Gauge Pairs - NE19Gauge pairs occupying a field of view of 10mm. Each gauge is proporti...

NE22 eyepiece reticles, concentric circle

Concentric Circle - NE22This design leaves the circle clear of obstruction. In additi...

NE1 eyepiece reticles, surface pattern

Horizontal & Vertical Scales - NE1, NE2, NE5, NE20, NE28, NE31, NE41, NE120These sc...

NE15 eyepiece reticles, chessboard squares

Chessboard Squares - NE15The dark squares are translucent. Used as an alternative to si...

NE43 eyepiece reticles, concentric circle

Concentric Circles - NE42, NE43, NE44, NE47Can be used for two-way measurement when c...

NE45 eyepiece reticles, full protractor

Protractors - NE25, NE45 Pattern from $220.00

NE17 eyepiece reticles, crossed

Crossed Scales - NE17, NE18, NE70, NE72Used as a horizontal and a vertical scale, they ...

NE47 eyepiece reticles, concentric circles

Concentric Circles - NE42, NE43, NE44, NE47Can be used for two-way measurement when c...

NE44 eyepiece reticles, concentric circles

Concentric Circles - NE42, NE43, NE44, NE47Can be used for two-way measurement when c...

NE56 eyepiece reticles, broken crosslines

Broken Cross Lines - NE56Used as above. Broken lines enable fine detail to be seen at t...

NE5 eyepiece reticles, horizontal

Horizontal & Vertical Scales - NE1, NE2, NE5, NE20, NE28, NE31, NE41, NE120These ...

NE20 eyepiece reticles, horizontal

Horizontal & Vertical Scales - NE1, NE2, NE5, NE20, NE28, NE31, NE41, NE120These ...

NE53 eyepiece reticles, vertical gauge lines + horizontal line

Crossed Gauge Lines - NE53, N54Use as crossed lines, but for the measuring of distanc...

NE81 eyepiece reticles, cross lines

Cross Lines - NE8, NE81, NE82Used as NE50 but for measurements in two directions and ...