Static Line II ioniser

The Static Line II ioniser is an antistatic device which emits negative and positive ions, neu...

Triton X-100

Use 1% Triton X-100 in deionised-distilled water. Used for whole-cell preparations. Marek, L.F...

Triton X-100, 0.08% aqueous soution

For diamond knife soaking solution use 0.08% solution of Triton X-100. It is a non-ionic (neut...

Triton X-100, 1% aqueous solution

Use 1% Triton X-100 in deionised-distilled water. Used for whole-cell preparations. Marek, L.F...

Diamond knife sterilisation tray

A unique tray that allows you to place up to three diamond knives at one time in the autoclave...

Diamond knife cleaning kit

Consists of 5 x 5ml vials of cleaning solution, 4 rods for cleaning the knife edge, and 1 hair...

Hair curl knife cleaning tool

Made of human hair; it is good for removing sections and cleaning the diamond knife.

Hardened steel deburring tool set

Made from hardened steel, this tool has three razor sharp cutting edges ranging from a very sh...

SiC blade dressing stick

Made from silicon carbide. Use for cutting blade dressing.

General repair tool kit

A 22 piece tool kit. This general utility kit contains the most common tools to handle general...

Flat emery sticks

Emery paper glued to a wooden handle, 279mm wide x 19.1mm long. Very useful for filing excess ...

Diamond stone

This diamond stone has millions of cutting edges to sharpen most any tool. Many times faster t...

Sapphire burnishing tool (EMS)

This tool outperforms any stone for fine burnishing of soft or hard materials such small pivot...

Arkansas sharpening stones

These stones are natural with close density oil-tones, and excellent qualities that make them ...

Diamond dissecting knives - resharpening repair

Resharpening knives is a service that we offer for specific knives.  Knives to be resharpened ...

Diamond sharpening stone

This revolutionary heat treatment method, which attaches the highest quality industrial grade ...

EMS diamond knife wash

This new concept of washing the Diamond knives using magnetic stirring action (with special st...