Michel's transport medium
Michel's Transport Medium allows for the shipping of specimens for further immunofluorescence ...

Trypsin kit
Trypsin is used for proteolytic digestion of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue se...

Xylene substitute (DG)
A xylene substitute for use in histology and cytology. It is safer and a more preferable alter...

ImmunoHistoZyme is used for proteolytic digestion of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) t...

Osmium tetroxide, 1g and under (DG)
Osmium Tetroxide, Crystalline, Highest Pu...

Modified davidson's fixative (DG)
(14% Ethyl Alcohol, Denatured, 37.5% Formalin 37-39%, 6.25% Glacial Acetic Acid, and D.I. Wate...

Bouin's solution
Bouin's solution can be used as a fixation and a staining fluid. Bouin's fixative is excellent...

Hexylene glycol
Mixed with water in all proportions. Used as a dehydrating agent for fat tissues.(2-Met...

Pipes buffer, powder
PIPES BUFFER, Good, N. E. et al., J Biochem. (1966)CAS# 10010-67-0 F.W. 335.3; ...

Low odour 10% formalin solution, histology grade
A specially formulated odour-mask which neutralises formalin odour without affecting subsequen...

CoreDish biopsy containers, half pre-filled 10% formalin
Performing a large number of biopsies means an increased number of containers handled and cons...

Osmium tetroxide 4% aqueous solution (DG)
Osmium Tetroxide, Crystalline, Highest Pu...

Cacodylic acid, free acid (DG)
Dimethylarsinic Acid (CH3)2AsO2H F.W. 137.99 <...

Michel's transport medium
Michel's Transport Medium allows for the shipping of specimens for further immunofluorescence ...

Z-Fix Concentrate
Zinc formalin fixatives improve general morphology and immunohistochemical staining and can re...

Osmium tetroxide, over 1g (DG)
Osmium Tetroxide, Crystalline, Highest Pu...

Carnoy's fluid, no chloroform (DG)
Stock solution, without chloroform. Prepared fresh upon receipt of order to ensure maximum she...

Carnoy's fluid (DG)
EMS stock solution also known as Carnoy's Solution. from $172.00

Formalin solution 50%
Used in Hirano-Zimmerman Method for Nerve Cells and Fibres for staining of nerofibrils, dendri...

Formalin 40% solution
Stain used for:Wilder Modification of Bielschowsky's Method for staining of Collag...

Picric acid-acetone solution 0.1% (DG)
Picric Acid solution is made from A.S.C grade reagents. It is freshly prepared upon receipt of...

Picric acid acetone solution 0.1% (DG)

CytoFix spray (DG)
Cytology fixative spray designed for slide based cytology specimens for cellular preservation ...

Tungstosilicic acid
Silicotungstic acid, M.W. 2878.29+aq CAS #11130-20-4 from $130.00

Potassium pyroantimonate
Ultrastructural localisation sodium. J. Histochem Cystochem., 24, 740 (1976)KSbO3<...

Picric acid powder, ACS grade
Picric acid is an aromatic polynitrated acid. It dissolves in water to create a low-pH solutio...

Methynamine 3% aqueous solution
For use with EMS16710 Hexamethylenetetramine(Urotropine; Methenamine)C6

Hexamethylenetetramine (DG)
(Urotropine; Methenamine)C6N4 F.W. 140.19 CAS #...

Glutaraledhyde 2.5%, Milonig's buffered
Premixed, prebuffered fixatives, that are pH adjusted for immediate laboratory use. They are f...

Formalin 2%/Picric acid 0.02% solution, sodium phosphate buffered
Premixed, prebuffered fixatives, that are pH adjusted for immediate laboratory use. They are f...

Formalin prefilled HistoTainer
The HistoTainer (Empty Vials, see page 482) is half filled with 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin ...

Tissue-Prep buffered 10% formalin
Prefilled with 10% formalin EMS15740. Ready-to-use in pre-filled cups. Labelled in accordance ...

Formalin 10% buffered, low-odour
Low odour, prepared w/v, pH 6.9 to 7.1 at 25°C. 10% formalin in Phosphate buffer according to ...

Formalin 10% buffered in phosphate (DG)
Buffered with phosphate in accordance with the A.f.I.P. manual of Histology. Filtered and read...

Formalin 10% buffered in acetate
Buffered with Sodium Acetate in accordance with the A.F.I.P. manual of Histology. Filtered and...

Formalin, non-buffered
For your convenience non-buffered Formalin is available in a multiple concentrations.St...

Carson's (para)formaldehyde, phosphate buffered
For some tissues, the use of formalin (contains 10 - 15% Methanol) is not suitable, we offer t...

Formaldehyde 37% solution, microfiltered (DG)
Microfiltered with a 0.45µm membrane; suitable as an EM fixative when a methanol free solution...

Formaldehyde 37% solution (DG)
Specific Gravity: 1.09 A.C.S. HCHO F.W. 30.03 CAS #50-00-0 Specifications...

LR White resin kit, uncatalysed, soft

LR White embedding kit, medium grade

Sodium cacodylate trihydrate (DG)
Sodium dimethyl arsenate. Cacodylic acid-sodium salt. Buffer for EM.To...

Hexamethyldisilazane (DG)
HEXAMETHYLDISILAZANE (HMDS) For fast preparation of soft insect tissues, also bacteria and so...

Digitonin (DG)
DIGITONIN An additive which stabilises cholesterol. 0.2% digitonin in buffer, added to Glutara...

Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) 20% aqueous solution
A popular and more efficient and rapid penetrant fixative used in combination with Glutaraldeh...

Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) 20% aqueous solution (DG)
A popular and more efficient and rapid penetrant fixative used in combination with Glutaraldeh...

Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) 16% aqueous solution (DG)
A more efficient and rapid penetrant fixative used in combination with Glutaraldehyde and Acro...

Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) 32% aqueous solution (DG)
Formaldehyde solution prepared from paraformaldehyde (polymerised formaldehyde). This saves mu...

Formaldehyde (paraformaldehyde) 32% aqueous solution (DG)
Formaldehyde solution prepared from paraformaldehyde (polymerised formaldehyde). This saves mu...

Paraformaldehyde 4%, 0.1M phosphate buffered
A more efficient and rapid penetrant fixative used in combination with Glutaraldehyde and Acro...