MICROFIX microtome blades

These unique microtome blades prove to offer higher quality sections with an elongated cutting...

Low profile microtome feather blades

These ultra-sharp blades section specimens without striations, distortions, or chattering. The...

Disposable microtome blades

The quality of sectioning depends on the quality of the blade being used. With sharp durable e...

Disposable microtome blades, Leica

Made from high quality stainless steel. High and low profile disposable blades for use with al...

Handle for reusable microtome blades

This comfortable handle allows you to reuse your microtome blades for routine grossing. Its pa...

Feather carbon steel razor blades, non-wax type, double edge

Made from carbon steel with a clean, non-waxed surface. Feather blades are well known to have ...

Feather double edge blade

Made from carbon steel. Feather blades are well known to have super sharp edges. Easily breaks...

OptiCut microtome blades

OptiCut microtome blades are ultra-durable and long-lasting, these blades are ideal for both p...

Injector blades, PTFE coated SS

Injector blades are supplied in packets of 5 dispensers with 20 blades each. Injector blade si...