Lyophilization serum vial stoppers, 2-prong
Rubber lyophillisation stoppers for serum vials, plugs ideal for liquids, 2-prong for freeze-d...
Cap inserts for CryoClear cryogenic vials
Available in nine different colours or an assortment. These Polypropylene (PP) inserts are ide...
Solid and open top caps, vacule bottles
Accessories for 4ml, 5ml and 10ml Vacule bottles.
Aluminium lined seals, tear-out centre, natural
These seals are ideal for filling or retrieving contents with a syringe and as closures for ma...
Complete tear-off lyophilization seals
Unlined Aluminium SealsComplete Tear OffSeal can be completely rem...
Flip-Cap centre-tear lyophilization seals
Flip-Cap, Centre TearEasy-to-use. Push upward on plastic button to access...
Lyophilization serum vial stoppers, 3-prong
Rubber lyophillisation stoppers for serum vials, plugs ideal for liquids and freeze-dried samp...
Aluminium unlined lyophilization seals
The centre disc tears out, exposing the top of the stopper to the syringe. Natural in colour.<...
Capinsert for cryovial tubes
These are colour identification inserts for Cryovial tubes for coding date, content, process e...
EZ Crimper adjustable stoppers
An adjustable stopper allows the user to determine the tightness of the seal while ensuring co...
Sample storage box, cork stopper vials
Most affordable glass shell vial with high-quality cork closures, straight-sided, flat bottom....
Shell vial caps, 14.8ml vials
Cap to fit 4 dram vials, EMS72631-40.
Red stoppers for vacule vials
Accessories for Vacule Vials
Lyophylization stoppers, 2 Prong
Accessories for Vacule Vials