Benchtop Cryo-station

The Benchtop Cryo-station is a compact wo...

Cryo Pucks Generation2 system dewars and refrigerators

Cryo Pucks Generation2Now offering a broad selection of kits and bundles to meet your...

Foam cryo dewar with lid

These foam dewars are safer, longer lasting, and have better insulating characteristics than s...

Enamelled steel Thermo-Flasks

Thermo-Flask provides safe extended temperature retention for specimens stored in liquid nitro...

Nalgene dewars, PE

Nalgene dewar vessels are suitable for short-term storage of liquid nitrogen, dry ice, frozen ...

Cryo dewars, spherical

Dewar flasks that are suitable for use in laboratories. Made of borosilicate glass that has be...

Shallow wide-mouth thermo flask

Thermo-Flask provides safe extended temperature retention for specimens stored in liquid nitro...

Cryo dewars, low form shallow, cylindrical

Low Form Shallow Dewars permit essential operations that are not practical with standard cylin...

Cryo dewars, low form shallow, hemisoherical

Low form shallow dewars permit essential operations that are not practical with standard cylin...

Cryo dewars with wide-mouth and mesh cover, lab grade

These lab grade dewars are by far the most energy efficient glass dewars on the market. The ex...

Cryo dewar, lab grade, aluminium

These lab grade dewars are by far the most energy efficient glass dewars on the market! The ex...

Cryo dewars caddy, spherical

These prove ideal for local carrying or decanting lab grade spherical dewars.Lightweigh...

Cryo dewars, lab grade with handles

This handled Dewar vacuum flask is ideal for short term storage and distribution of liquid gas...

Cryo dewars, liquid nitrogen vessels

Stainless steel Thermo-Flask with handle and lid offers protected extended temperature storage...