Aluminum foil rolls
These foil rolls which are designed to work with out Mini BinTM Foil Dispenser and offer minim...
Aluminium foil squares
Aluminium Foil Squares interleaved for easy separation. Weigh samples quickly and ...
Plastic canoes
Flexible dishes for handling liquids or solids. Ideal for controlled pour-off. These Anti-Stat...
Blotter paper books
Chemically pure lintless blotting paper. It dries prints without staining or scratching.
Glassine weighing boats
Weighing samples is made easier with these newly introduced Glassine Weighing Boats: <...
EMS BioClave autoclave printer and paper
EMS BioClave autoclave printer, 115V for use with EMS BioClave Autoclaves.Printer paper...
Standard paper safe sleeves
Light proof protection for film and paper. No more fussing with frayed cardboard boxes. Exclus...
Two-band enlarging easel
This two-band enlarging easel eliminates slip ups. Bands have perfectly square margins. They w...
Plastic weighing boats
Plastic weight boats, anti-static, for weighing liquid or solid samples, anti-static, recessed...
Disposable bibulous paper
Highly absorbent white fibre paper Lint and dust free Recommended for ...
Weighing boats, aluminium
These aluminium weighing boats are inexpensive, disposable aluminium foil dishes with crimped ...
Paper weighing boats, white
A truly green solution to sample weighingThese weigh boats are made from FSC C...
Paper weighing boats, brown
A truly green solution to sample weighingThese weigh boats are made from FSC C...
Glassine paper
Glassine weighing paper enables accurate and precise weighing of powders, liquids, and solids....