SEM grooved specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium with 3.1mm diamet...

SEM large specimen mounts, short pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium with 3.2mm diamet...

SEM specimen mounts, short pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium with 3.2mm diamet...

SEM specimen mount, alpha-numerical, slotted pin mount

The SEM numbered 1-alpha/4-numeric slotted specimen mounts are made from ultra-pure aluminium ...

SEM Fortress FIB sample holder and loader, low profile, pin mount

The SEM Fortress FIB sample holder for low profile with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is a reus...

SEM specimen mounts, divisions, pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with divisions are made from ultra-pure aluminium and are compatible w...

SEM short pin specimen mounts, 6mm tapered pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium and are compatibl...

SEM specimen mount for Hitachi S-500, pin mount

Threaded pin, aluminium mountSize: Surface 25mm diameter

SEM large specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM large specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium with 3.2mm ...

SEM specimen mount, long pin mount, 25.4 x 11mm

Aluminium, non-slotted head. Surface 25.4mm, pin 3.1mm x 11mm long total (or 9.5mm pin only)

Carbon SEM grooved head specimen mount, pin mount

The carbon SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge and 3.2mm pin stub are made from spectroscopi...

SEM grooved head specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM specimen mounts with grooved edge are made from ultra-pure aluminium with 3.2mm diamet...

EMS equipment stages for pin mounts, 50mm

These specimen stages are all easy-change, drop-in style (no screws), and are height adjustabl...

Cryo SEM specimen mounts, pin mount

Aluminium specimen mount pin for mounting samples for ultramicrotomy. Available in two ...

Cryo SEM ultramicrotome specimen mount, pin mount

This cryo pin has a diameter of 2mm and is compatible with the Leica and RMC cryo ultramicroto...

Forensic SEM field samplers (EMS)

Glass specimen vial (25mm OD x 55mm High) with a high-purity certified 12.7mm SEM pin stub spe...

Forensic SEM field sampler, numbered

Numbered, certified aluminium mount with a double-coated adhesive carbon tab applied to secure...

Forensic SEM sampling kits

The Forensic SEM sampling kits include SEM pin mounts in clean, glass storage tubes (25mm OD x...

Forensic SEM gunshot residue field kits

Our comprehensive line of high-quality GSR field sampling kits includes certified SEM pin stub...

Forensic SEM collection kits

These kits are suitable for field work and gunshot residue in the lab or out. Manufactured fro...

SEM specimen mount holder sets

The SEM specimen mount holder sets are made of aluminium and are available with M4 or pin stub...

SEM FIB sample and grid holder, pin mount

The SEM FIB sample and grid holder with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base holds a FIB sample mounte...

SEM FIB sample and grid holder, pin mount

The SEM FIB sample and grid holder with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base holds an FIB sample mount...

SEM double FIB sample and grid holder, pin mount

The SEM double FIB sample and grid holder with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base holds FIB samples ...

TEM single stub and two grid holder

This station is meant for 2 TEM grids and 1 sample Pin Stub. Available only in Stainless Steel...

TEM grid and sample holders

TEM grid holder with stations for 2 TEM grids and 2 sample stubs. Available with two versions:...

SEM notch-style wafer holderspin mount

These SEM notch-style wafer holders are made from aluminium and feature brass clips which secu...

SEM cross sectional specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM cross sectional specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is made from nonmagne...

SEM wafer holders, pin mount

These SEM wafer holders are made from aluminium and feature brass clips which secure the wafer...

SEM vertical thin specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM vertical thin specimen mount with a 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is designed to hold t...

SEM 70 deg. pre-tilt EBSD specimen mounts, M4 cylinder

The SEM 70° pre-tilt EBSD specimen holders with M4 thread stub base has a built-in 70°pre-tilt...

SEM 70 deg. pre-tilt EBSD specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM 70° pre-tilt EBSD specimen holders with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base has a built-in 70...

SEM single slot thin specimen mounts, AMRAY, pin mount

The SEM single slot thin specimen mounts with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base and grooved edge ar...

SEM single slot thin specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM single split thin specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base and grooved edge is...

SEM large FIB sample and grid holder, pin mount

The SEM FIB sample and grid holder with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base can handle multiple FIB g...

SEM FIB grid holder, pin mount

The SEM FIB grid holder with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base with grooved edge holds up to 2 FIB ...

SEM universal vice specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM universal vice specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is a single set screw ...

SEM large bulk specimen holders, pin mount

The SEM large bulk specimen holders with 3.2mm pin stub base are ideal for clamping irregular,...

SEM mini double slot vice specimen mount, pin mount

SEM mini double slot vice specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is ideas for clampi...

SEM bulk specimen holders, pin mount

The SEM bulk specimen holders with 3.2mm pin stub base are ideal for clamping irregular, bulky...

SEM double slot vice specimen mount, pin mount

SEM double slot vice specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is ideal for clamping th...

SEM geological thin section holders, M4 cylinder

The SEM geological thin section holders with an M4 threaded base are made from aluminium with ...

SEM variable size geological thin section holders, pin mount

The SEM geological thin section holders with a 3.2mm diameter pin stub base are made from alum...

SEM geological thin section holders, pin mount

The SEM geological thin section holders with a 3.2mm diameter pin stub base are made from alum...

SEM vice specimen mounts, pin mount (EMS)

The SEM vice specimen mounts with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base holds onto specimens from 4mm t...

SEM metallographic specimen mounts, pin mount (EMS)

The SEM metallographic specimen mounts with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base allows for mounting o...

SEM 45 deg. specimen mounts, pin mount

The SEM 45° specimen mounts are made from ultra-pure aluminium.Size: <...

SEM variable tilt specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM variable tilt specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base is ideal for small work...

SEM 45 deg. multi specimen pin mount holders, pin mount

The SEM 45° multi specimen pin mount holders allows for a higher SE signal without having to t...

SEM metallographic specimen mount, pin mount

The SEM metallographic specimen mount with 3.2mm diameter pin stub base allows for mounting of...