Abrasive band arbor
Abrasive band arbors consist of rubber heads on 2.35mm shanks.

Abrasive bands for Pro-Craft flex machines
Glue bonded, silicon carbide for fast cutting. They all measure 12.7mm in length. Avail...

Accessories for Lapping and Polishing Fixtures, model 155/155D/155V
The EMS Precision Lapping and Polishing Fixtures are designed to accurately produce polished p...

Alumina powder, gamma, Type DX
EMS's Alumina Powders are accurately controlled for all specs and particle size distribution, ...

Alumina powder, gamma, Type N
EMS's Alumina Powders are accurately controlled for all specs and particle size distribution, ...

Alumina slurry
These suspensions are water-based and contain no additives, which can interfere with polishing...

Aluminium oxide abrasive discs
Alumina is widely used in sample grinding and polishing. Our aluminium oxide abrasive film wit...

Aluminium oxide abrasive wheels for Pro-Craft flex machine
Aluminium Oxide - Brightboy Assortment WheelsThe resilient rubber binder cushions the a...

Aluminium oxide powder
These are abrasive powders that are prepared from aluminium oxide, offering excellent coarse a...

Billiard polishing cloths
Ideal for the preparation of metallographic specimens and materials needing a fine finish. Rec...

Boron carbide powder
Boron Carbide is one of the hardest materials known, ranking third behind diamond and cubic bo...

Colloidal alumina
As an acidic dispersion, Colloidal Alumina is a chemical-mechanical action, that provides supe...

Colloidal Silica
This non-crystallising Colloidal Silica is made to be user friendly. It eliminates the problem...

Crystalbond, temporary adhesive 509 amber
A temporary adhesive sticks. These wash-away adhesives are used as a temporary bond for holdin...

Diamond disc, PSA 203mm (8in)
Diamond Discs consists of a flat, stainless steel backing with sharp, blocky diamond particles...

Diamond finishing discs for Pro-Craft flex machines
These discs offer extremely aggressive grinding action, yet leaves an exceptionally smooth fin...

Diamond lapping film, N/H
A selective diamond particle resin bonded to a uniform 3-mil polyester film backing. Excellent...

Diamond paste syringes
Glennel diamond products are specially formulated to help you prepare surfaces that are usuall...

Diamond Points for Pro-Craft flex machines
All diamond points are mounted on 2.35mm shanks. Suitable for Flex Shaft machines. Exceptional...

Diamond suspension
Glennel Diamond Suspension assures a consistent, uniform viscosity and dispersion of diamond w...

Emery paper
Emery paper come in sheets, size 22 x 34cm in varying grit sizes. Grit 4/0 is the finest and 3...

EMS Diamond powder
Made from synthetic diamonds. from $83.00

Filing and polishing stick and emery strips
The Filing and polishing stick has a plastic handle 267mm long, holds strips of emery paper or...

Final B grinding cloths, PSA
This cloth has been especially designed for long life. Made from a rayon flock on a cotton can...

Final green grinding film
Final Green film is produced using a unique process, which is different from any other type of...

Flat emery sticks
Emery paper glued to a wooden handle, 279mm wide x 19.1mm long. Very useful for filing excess ...

Flat mounting blocks for Model 145/150, stainless steel
Flat Mounting Blocks (Stainless Steel) for Lapping & Polishing FixturesAll are 25...

Flexible diamond discs, PSA backed
Flexible Diamond Discs will reduce the number of steps in the grinding/polishing process along...

Flexible diamond discs, PSA backed plus steel plate and magnetic backing
Flexible Diamond Discs will reduce the number of steps in the grinding/polishing process along...

Flexible diamond discs, PSA backed plus steel plate backing
Flexible Diamond Discs will reduce the number of steps in the grinding/polishing process along...

General purpose cut-off wheel
Premium Abrasive Cut-off Wheels for Sectioning228.6mm Diameter Cut-Off WheelAlum...

Glenco polishing cloths, PSA
This flocked cloth, made by binding a rayon flock to a woven cotton backing, is the most popul...

Glendur grinding film, PSA, N/H
A fine stainless steel mesh on an aluminium foil polyethylene backing. Extremely durable mater...

Glennel lapping solutions
Lapping solutions: Glenoil Lube - Lapping vehicle is the ideal lap oil...

Kempads, PSA
A non-woven textile cloth which is both oil and water resistant. Recommended for rough and int...

Lapping and polishing fixture cutting weights, 7.5g-600g
Weight for Use with Lapping and Polishing FixturesThis model accommodates up to a 12.7m...

Nylon, PSA
A durable napless nylon weave. It provides excellent finish on most materials. Available with ...

Peek metal polish
EMS is proud to introduce PEEK, a complete new line of cleaning materials that not only clean,...

PermaDisk Opto series polishing discs
PremaDisk Opto Series Composite Polishing DiscsSizes: 8in ...

PermaDisk Opto series polishing discs, tin resin
PremaDisk Opto Series Composite Polishing DiscsSizes: 8in ...

PermaDisk S-CiC grinding discs
We are proud to introduce these grinding disks made with silicon carbide grains. They are desi...

PermaDisk S-EC grinding discs
Replacement for Piano, Cameo, Galaxy, Apex DGD. These new grinding pads will replace 200-300 S...

PermaDisk SH flexible diamond grinding discs
PremaDisk Flexible Diamond Grinding Discs offer superior surface finishes that are usually onl...

PermaDisk SM flexible diamond grinding discs
PremaDisk Flexible Diamond Grinding Discs offer superior surface finishes that are usually onl...

Pikal care paste
A thinner paste for use on stainless steel and surfaces. Can be applied with a wipe or directl...

Pikal liquid metal polish
A gentle liquid polish for metals such as aluminium, brass, copper, stainless steel. The polis...

Pikal polishing paste
A thick abrasive paste for cleaning and surface finishing. Good for removing stains on enamel,...

Pumice wheel assortments for Pro-Craft flex machine
Pumice Wheels - 72 Assortment WheelsFor cleaning, polishing and finish...

Recirculating tray for ULTRAPOL
Recirculating containment tray for use with the ULTRAPOL precision lapping and polishing machi...

Sanding discs for Pro-Craft flex machines
Abrasive sanding discs for use with the Pro-Craft flexible shaft machine.Yellow abrasiv...