Antigen preserve solution VII

This ready-to-use Antibody Dilution Buffer is designed for the dilution of antibodies in all i...

Antibody dilutent for frozen sections

Buffer for diluting your primary and secondary antibodies, especially if they were stored for ...

Tris buffer (10x)

This buffer is intended for heat-induced antigen retriever on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded...

EDTA buffer (10X)

This buffer is intended for heat-induced antigen retriever on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded...

Citrate buffer

This buffer is intended for heat-induced antigen retriever on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded...

Tris buffered saline, pH 7.4

Prepared buffer from $62.00

Tris buffer 0.2M

All of our ready-to-use buffers are: Conveniently packaged. Prepared fres...

Citrate buffer 0.1M

Citric acid and Sodium citrate 0.1MpH range 4.6-6.2Keep cold - DO NOT FREEZE...

PHEM buffer

PHEM buffer has mostly been utilised to treat tissues and cell cultures for immunocytochemical...

TMB-HCl, Dihydrochloride TMB

C16H20N2·2HCl   F.W. 313.30   CAS #64285-73-0

Antibody dilution buffer

Buffer for diluting your primary and secondary antibodies, especially if they were stored for ...

Citrate Buffer 0.2M

Citric acid and Sodium citrate 0.2MKeep cold - DO NOT FREEZEpH 4.0 from $140.00

Pepsin reagent

Pepsin is used for proteolytic digestion of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sec...

Pronase reagent

Pronase is used for proteolytic digestion of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue se...

R-Universal epitope recovery buffer

R-Universal Buffer utilises a novel (patent-pending) system for the recovery of epitopes, larg...

HRP conjugate diluent

Buffer for diluting your primary and secondary antibodies, even if stored in refrigerator. Min...

Section block

A new class of blocking solutions based on chemically modified and fragmented ultra-pure casei...

Antibody diluent, free BSA

This ready-to-use Antibody Dilution Buffer is designed for the dilution of antibodies in all i...

Universal antibody dilution buffer

This ready-to-use Universal Antibody Dilution Buffer is designed for dilution of antibodies in...


Used for histochemical localisation of peroxidase with DAB and in immunocytochemistry. Sternbe...

TMB (3,3,5,5-tetramethyl benzidine)

A non-carcinogenic substitute for DAB and DAB-HCl. Used as sensitive and specific reagent for ...

DAB (3,3'-Diaminobenzidine), EM grade, purified free-base

Used as an ultrastructural protein tracer for immuno-cytochemistry. A possible carcinogen....