SPM calibration specimens, 750-HD

SPM calibration specimens are produced by holographic fabrication and are accurate to 0.5%.

Tin-C test specimen on stub

Tin on Carbon is an alternate test specimen for medium resolution, and for the daily basic che...

Backscattered electron detector calibration standards

An electron microscope has the capacity to produce images in which contrast is controlled by t...

Standard test specimen set

The Standard Test Specimen keeps the Scanning Electron Microscope up to peak operating conditi...

Combined test specimen

Combined Test SpecimenA holey carbon film is shadowed with gold and graphitised carbo...

Chessy test specimen

A precise SEM test specimen for most all calibration applications.The Structure...

Grating replica on latex spheres

The latex sphere is 0.261um and the grating replica is 2160 lines/mm. Calibration aid allows t...

X-Checker SEM calibration discs

The X-Checker was the first and remains the only complete calibration aid for SEM/EDS Systems....

Carbon grating replicas

Cross line pitch spacing of 463nm with 2160 lines/mm in both directions, cross at 90° for addi...

Calibration standards, 70-1D

This Calibration Reference specimen comes with a non-traceable, manufacturer's certificate. Th...