Forensic SEM field samplers (EMS)

Glass specimen vial (25mm OD x 55mm High) with a high-purity certified 12.7mm SEM pin stub specimen mount (see below), both with and without an adhesive carbon conductive tab, mounted into the plastic cap. Our forensic field sampler was created to collect forensic evidence with the least amount of sampler interference or contamination. There are three versions available: without an adhesive carbon tab, with an adhesive carbon tab that is ready to use, and with a covered carbon tab that must be removed before use. There are two options for 12.7mm SEM pin mounts: the standard 8mm pin and the shorter 6mm pin (ZEISS/LEO).Investigation Applications for SEM or Light MicroscopyGunshot residue (GSR)Powder samplesFiber samplesPaint chipsParticle samplingGlass fragmentsIdeal for preparing SEM specimens on the most popular SEM pin stubs and enabling simple carbon coating for SEM/EDX research...

Glass specimen vial (25mm OD x 55mm High) with a high-purity certified 12.7mm SEM pin stub specimen mount (see below), both with and without an adhesive carbon conductive tab, mounted into the plastic cap. Our forensic field sampler was created to collect forensic evidence with the least amount of sampler interference or contamination. There are three versions available: without an adhesive carbon tab, with an adhesive carbon tab that is ready to use, and with a covered carbon tab that must be removed before use. There are two options for 12.7mm SEM pin mounts: the standard 8mm pin and the shorter 6mm pin (ZEISS/LEO).

Investigation Applications for SEM or Light Microscopy

  • Gunshot residue (GSR)
  • Powder samples
  • Fiber samples
  • Paint chips
  • Particle sampling
  • Glass fragments

Ideal for preparing SEM specimens on the most popular SEM pin stubs and enabling simple carbon coating for SEM/EDX research. The Forensic Field Sampler can be securely stored in the glass specimen vial and easily shipped with the cap holding the sampler stub in place. Adhesive carbon tabs secure the evidence material.

EMS76480-31 Forensic Field Sampler without Adhesive Carbon Tab
EMS76480-32 Forensic Field Sampler with Adhesive Carbon Tab
EMS76480-33 Forensic Field Sampler with Adhesive Carbon Tab, and clear plastic cover
EMS76480-34 Forensic Field Sampler without Adhesive Carbon Tab, Short Pin
EMS76480-35 Forensic Field Sampler with Adhesive Carbon Tab, ready to use, Short Pin
EMS76480-36 Forensic Field Sampler with Adhesive Carbon Tab, and clear plastic cover, Short Pin
Updated: 14-03-2025
Code Style Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 14-03-2025
EMS76480-31 Standard pin, no adhesive carbon Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $359.00 AUD
EMS76480-34 Short pin, no adhesive carbon Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $381.00 AUD
EMS76480-35 Short pin, adhesive carbon Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $490.00 AUD
EMS76480-32 Standard, adhesive carbon Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $459.00 AUD
EMS76480-33 Standard, adhesive carbon and cover Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $459.00 AUD
EMS76480-36 Short pin, adhesive carbon and cover Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $490.00 AUD