Platinum/palladium wire, 99.99% (EMS)

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Carbon rods, spectro-grade

Graphite is the stable form of carbon. Graphite is one of the softest; diamond is one of the h...

Carbon rods

Graphite is the stable form of carbon. Graphite is one of the softest; diamond is one of the h...

Sputter targets, 75mm diameter (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 20.4mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Carbon rods, pointed and presharpened

Pre Sharpened Carbon Rods are made from our Spectroscopically Pure Carbon Graphite.Rod ...

Carbon rods

EMS is pleased to offer the Q150 and Q300 series sputter coaters and combined carbon and sputt...

Gold/palladium wire, 99.99%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Graphite rods

Graphite is the stable form of carbon. Graphite is one of the softest; diamond is one of the h...

Carbon fibre string

Sometimes referred to as 'braid', carbon fibre consists of eight separate strands of individua...

Tungsten wire (EMS)

Tungsten wire, 99.90% purity. Available in 0.64mm, 0.51mm and 0.23mm gauge diameters.Av...

Annular sputter targets, 59/33mm diameter

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Annular sputter targets, 87/57mm diameter

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Annular sputter targets, 117/89mm diameter

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Spare quartz crystal for turbo-pumped sputter coater

Turbo-Pumped Sputter Coater / Carbon Coater for Glove BoxSuitable for SEM, TEM and ma...

Sputter targets, 76mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 63.5mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 57mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 54mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 50.8mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 50mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 42mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 39mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 32mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter targets, 60mm dia. (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter target, 20.0mm diameter (EMS)

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Replacement sputter target, EMS650/675X

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter target, 0.2mm thick

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter target, standard, 60mmx0.1mm thick

EMS precious metal sputtering targets are made from high purity metals, starting 99.99% with m...

Sputter coater replacement parts

Parts and accessories for the EMS650, 675X, 975, 975S.

Coiled horizontal helix tungsten wire filaments

Coiled FilamentsSingle or 3-strand coiled tungsten filaments, 0.5mm diameter wires.

Silver wire, 99.99%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Platinum wire, 99.95%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Palladium wire, 99.90%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Molybdenum wire, 99.95%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

Gold wire, 99.99%

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...

EMS Q150V Plus automatic coater, 230V

The EMS 150V Plus is optimised for high-vacuum applications, with an ultimate vacuum of 1 x 10...

Carbon fibre cord, high purity

Used With: Most carbon coaters where thick carbon cord is used

Carbon fibre cord, standard grade

Convenient to use, giving thick coating using a single length.

Aluminium wire 99.99% (EMS)

High Purity, vacuum grade. These metals wires are suitable for scanning and electron microscop...