Slide racks with handle

EMS71421-FR - Fixed Handle Rack (24 slides): A stainless steel rack with a fixed handle for use with large slides. The rack is grooved to take 76mm microscope slides up to 50mm wide horizontally. Fits into EMS71424-D glass staining dish.

EMS71421-VR - Vertical Slide Rack: A stainless steel rack with a fixed handle and grooves to take 76 x 26mm microscope slides vertically for maximum use of space and solution. The rack accommodates up to 48 slides (24 slides each row).

EMS71422-FR - A stainless steel rack with a fixed handle and grooves for 76 x 26mm microscope slides held vertically for maximum use of space and solutions. Accommodates two vertical racks (#71421-VR), which totals 96 slides.

Updated: 27-12-2024
Code Title Type Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 27-12-2024
EMS71421-FR Slide racks with handle 24 slides, fixed handle Each 0 in stock (?) $215.00 AUD
EMS71421-VR Slide racks with handle 48 slides, vertical handle Each 0 in stock (?) $262.00 AUD
EMS71422-FR Slide racks with handle 55 slides, fixed handle Each 0 in stock (?) $238.00 AUD