Microtome chuck/block holder

Aluminium Chucks. Especially suited to hold specimens attached to EBH block holders. Supplied complete with thumbscrew and U303 with a set of Allan screws and hex key.

ABH-LKB Huxley Chuck
For Huxley Microtomes. Shank 12mm diameter x 25mm
Chuck with three point recessed block holder attachment. For LKB Histo Range and Reichert Super Cut, in addition to microtomes using
ABH-JB chucks. Shank 11mm diameter x 10mm
U70175 6mm EBH block holder
Updated: 31-12-2024
Code Title Style Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 31-12-2024
U300-DWS Microtome chuck/block holder Chuck, ABH-JB Each 1 in stock $101.00 AUD
U303 Microtome chuck/block holder Chuck, ABH-JBA Each 2 in stock $105.00 AUD
U304 Microtome chuck/block holder Chuck, ABH-LBK Huxley Each 0 in stock (?) $177.00 AUD