Xylene substitute (DG)

A xylene substitute for use in histology and cytology. It is safer and a more preferable alternative to xylene. It can be used as a solvent and clearing agent, as well as for dissolving paraffin waxes, glues and adhesives.


  • Minimal tissue shrinkage.
  • Dries slowly with no residue.
  • Less toxic than xylene.
  • Soluble with alcohol, paraffin embedding media, and mounting media.

It can be used in all procedures that require xylene. Biodegradable.

Safety Data Sheet

Updated: 06-12-2024
Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 06-12-2024
EMS23410-01 Xylene substitute (DG) 3785ml 0 in stock (?) $730.00 AUD
EMS23410-04 Xylene substitute (DG) 4 x 3785ml 0 in stock (?) P.O.R. Quote
EMS23410-05 Xylene substitute (DG) 5 x 3785ml 0 in stock (?) P.O.R. Quote