Veco grids, rectangular mesh

Veco Grids offer superior handling characteristics. Plus, with a 20.3um thickness, Veco Grids are the most rigid grids available. 3.05mm diameter.  Technical Data µmTypeProductPitchHoleBar50/75575-Cu500/450/5050/75

Veco Grids offer superior handling characteristics. Plus, with a 20.3um thickness, Veco Grids are the most rigid grids available. 3.05mm diameter.

    Technical Data µm
Type Product Pitch Hole Bar
50/75 575-Cu 500/ 450/ 50
50/75 575-Ni 333 283 50
75/300 753-Cu 300/83 293/43 40
75/300 753-Ni 300/83 293/43 40
100/400 1040-Cu 250/63 212/25 38
100/400 1040-Ni 250/63 212/25 38
Code Title Material Type Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 27-07-2024
EMS575-CU Veco grids, rectangular mesh Copper 50/75 Pack/100 See above $50.00 AUD
EMS575-NI Veco grids, rectangular mesh Nickel 50/75 Pack/100 See above $59.00 AUD
EMS753-CU Veco grids, rectangular mesh Copper 75/300 Pack/100 See above $44.00 AUD
EMS753-NI Veco grids, rectangular mesh Nickel 75/300 Pack/100 See above $46.00 AUD
EMS1040-CU Veco grids, rectangular mesh Copper 100/400 Pack/100 See above $53.00 AUD
EMS1040-NI Veco grids, rectangular mesh Nickel 100/400 Pack/100 See above $57.00 AUD