Toluidine blue O, certified
Certified by the Biological Stain Commission All Dyes/Stains are for research use only. Not meant for drug, food household use.
A general stain for epoxy thick sections. Alizarin red/Toluidine blue for distinction between bone & cartilage and the degree of ossification in mammalian embryos. Johnson's method for methachromatic tissue. With cresyl violet for staining DNA and RNA. With thionin for malignant cells of biopsy specimens. Barajas et al.(1981) Identification of renal neuroeffector junctions by electron microscopy of re-embedded light microscopic autoradiograms of semithin sections. J. Ultrastruct. Res. 77: 379.Campbell, R.D., And Hermans, C.O. (1972). A rapid method for resectioning 0.5 4.0µm epoxy sections for electron microscopy. Stain Technol. 47:115. (Basic blue; Methylene Blue T50 or T Extra)
FW 305.83
CAS #92-31-9
Dye Content: approx. 85% min.
Solubility: 3.25% Water; 1.75% Alcohol; 3.5% Cellosolve; 5.5% Glycol; 0.0% Xylene
For more information on microscopy stains:
Store at room temperature
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