Standard test specimen set

Standard Test Specimen

The Standard Test Specimen keeps the Scanning Electron Microscope up to peak operating conditions. It is available in three model:

  1. Three formats:
    • Metallurgical
    • Biological
    • Geological
  2. 32mm diameter brass block consisting of 6 standards. One being Cobalt the remainder is the customer's choice. (see  list)
  3. Faraday cage.
  4. B.S.D. Duplex Brass Reference Standard at No. difference 0.1.
  5. Resolution Grid either High or Medium.
  6. Test Specimen for Magnification Calibration.
  7. Certificate booklet.

(your choice from our list of compound, pure metal, NBS, or BAS Standards).

Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 15-09-2024
EMS80154-00 Standard test specimen set Each See above Quote only Quote