Quetol 651/NSA embedding kit (DG)

A water miscible epoxy resin used for both light and electron microscopy. Its low viscosity permits easy infiltration and embedding, and yields light-colored blocks.Kushida, H. et al., (1986) Pro. 11th Int. Cong. Electron Microsc., p. 2177. KyotoTechnical Data SheetSafety Data Sheet - Quetol 651 Safety Data Sheet - NMA 

A water miscible epoxy resin used for both light and electron microscopy. Its low viscosity permits easy infiltration and embedding, and yields light-colored blocks.

Kushida, H. et al., (1986) Pro. 11th Int. Cong. Electron Microsc., p. 2177. Kyoto

Technical Data Sheet

Safety Data Sheet - Quetol 651 

Safety Data Sheet - NMA 

Safety Data Sheet - NSA 

Safety Data Sheet - DMP 

Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 07-10-2024
EMS14640 Quetol 651/NSA embedding kit (DG) Each See above $678.00 AUD