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Paramat paraffin wax

Paramat is the original British combination of paraffin wax and plastic polymers, which has been used in histology labs around the world for over 20 years. It has been discovered that when plastic polymers are added to paraffin, the elasticity of the final block is increased when compared to paraffin alone. In addition, the mixture improves tissue penetration, makes section ribboning easier, has a lower tendency to crumble, and produces better overall outcomes with fibrous tissue.The addition of a small quantity of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) to Paramat has resulted in PARAMAT EXTRA. This formulation has additional advantages, such as faster tissue penetration and a more homogenous matrix to support the specimen.Specifications:Appearance: Milky-white, pastillesCrystalline Structure under the microscope: Needles & PlateletsEffect of heating (@60°C/100g): Clear melt within max. 16 hrsSolubility in Xylene (...

Paramat is the original British combination of paraffin wax and plastic polymers, which has been used in histology labs around the world for over 20 years. It has been discovered that when plastic polymers are added to paraffin, the elasticity of the final block is increased when compared to paraffin alone. In addition, the mixture improves tissue penetration, makes section ribboning easier, has a lower tendency to crumble, and produces better overall outcomes with fibrous tissue.

The addition of a small quantity of dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) to Paramat has resulted in PARAMAT EXTRA. This formulation has additional advantages, such as faster tissue penetration and a more homogenous matrix to support the specimen.


  • Appearance: Milky-white, pastilles
  • Crystalline Structure under the microscope: Needles & Platelets
  • Effect of heating (@60°C/100g): Clear melt within max. 16 hrs
  • Solubility in Xylene (@20°C/1g in 50ml): Clear solution within max. 16 hrs
  • Cutting results for 4*m sections: Over 75% usable single; over 65% usable serial
  • Solubility in Xylene (section): Max. 45 sec
  • Melting Point: 56-58°C
  • Solidification Point: 58-56°C
  • Tears and Vascuoles: None
  • Adhesion of sections Very good; protein, to microscope slides: glycerol etc. is not required to hold the section in place
  • Free acid content: Max. 0.01%
  • Block Structure: No mottling, no shrinking
  • Block Solidification (room Temperature): About 2 hrs
  • DMSO content (Paramat Extra-only): Less than 0.1%


Updated: 14-02-2025
Code Title Style Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 14-02-2025
EMS19286-01 Paramat paraffin wax Standard 1kg 0 in stock (?) $133.00 AUD
EMS19286-10 Paramat paraffin wax Standard 10kg 0 in stock (?) $824.00 AUD
EMS19287-01 Paramat paraffin wax Extra 1kg 0 in stock (?) $123.00 AUD
EMS19287-10 Paramat paraffin wax Extra 10kg 0 in stock (?) $752.00 AUD