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Lugol's iodine solution

Stain used for:Wolbach's Giemsa Method, Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey (1922) for the staining of : nuclei, collagen, riskettsia and bacteria.PTAH Method for Central Nervous Tissue for staining microglia, fibroglia, fibrin and coarse fibrils.Lillie Modification of Masson's Trichrome for staining of cells, cytoplasm muscle and collagen of mammalian tissue.Wolbach's Giemsa Method Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey (1922) Nuclei, collagen.Pinkerton's Method for Rickettsia, For inclusion body stain.Modified Verhoff Elastic Van Gieson Stain for connective tissue stains – stain with a poly-acid step.Modified Movat's Stain for connective tissue stains – Elastic tissue stains.Ingredients2% Potassium Iodine1% Iodine97% WaterFor more information on microscopy stains:
Updated: 07-02-2025
Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 07-02-2025
EMS26055-05 Lugol's iodine solution 500ml 0 in stock (?) $79.00 AUD
EMS26055-06 Lugol's iodine solution 1L 0 in stock (?) $169.00 AUD