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Freezing griddle/elevated freezing block set

Cutting board / Freezing griddle: The steel "freezing griddle" serves as a freezing surface on which to prepare frozen blocks when used in conjunction with the elevated freezing block. The small, attached cutting board serves as a cold surface to cut the frozen block while maintaining the freezing temperature. This simple piece of apparatus is kept cold in the cryostat and is removed to the work bench only during the process of cutting the frozen block. As sections are cut, they are kept cold on the freezing griddle.

Elevated Freezing Block: This steel block is kept cold in the cryostat and in used in conjunction with the freezing griddle. The two broad sides of the block are equipped with feet measuring 3.0 mm on one side and 4.5 mm on the other. The feet create a space between the two steel bars in which the frozen blocks are prepared. Additional elevating bars are supplied to further elevate the block when preparing a very thick portion of tissue.


Elevated Freezing Block

Cutting board / Freezing griddle

Epoxy coated forceps

Putty knife and extra elevating bars

Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 07-10-2024
EMS61706-01 Freezing griddle/elevated freezing block set Each See above $650.00 AUD