ACLAR UltRx 2000 film sheets

ACLAR UltRx 2000 film is available in 51µm thickness and it is offered in a 297 x 210mm sheet form with package quantities of 10 or 25.ACLAR UltRx 2000 Physical Data Sheet(These are only typical values and are not to be interpreted as product specifications):Typical ValueProperties@ 23°C ~50% RHMetricTest MethodGravity Specific2.11ASTM D1505Yield 2.0 mil

ACLAR UltRx 2000 film is available in 51µm thickness and it is offered in a 297 x 210mm sheet form with package quantities of 10 or 25.

ACLAR UltRx 2000 Physical Data Sheet

(These are only typical values and are not to be interpreted as product specifications):

Typical Value
Properties@ 23°C ~50% RH Metric Test Method
Gravity Specific 2.11 ASTM D1505
Yield 2.0 mil 9.34 m2/kg  
Haze <1% ASTM D1003
Crystalline Melting Point 211°C ASTM D4591
Dimensional Stability, 10 min @ 149°C
ASTM D1204
Tensile Strength
48-69 MPa
31-52 MPa
Elongation (MD/TD) 150-200%
Modulus, Secant (MD/TD) 1276-1379 MPa ASTM D882
Surface Tension (Treated Side) ≥42 dynes/cm  
Water Vapour Transmission
gm/m2/day ASTM F1249
@ 25°C/60% RH 0.0186  
@ 30°C/60% RH 0.0388  
@ 40°C/75% RH 0.102  
@ 37.8°C/100% RH 0.119  

ACLAR® Chemical Data Sheet

Chemicals Average Weight Increase Visible Effect on Sample
Acetone 0.5% None
Butyl Alcohol - None
Carbon Tetrachloride 1.6% Slightly flexible
1,2-Dichloroethane 0.03% None
Ethyl Acetate 6.0% Very flexible
Ethyl Alcohol None None
Ethyl Ether 5.2% Very flexible
Ethylene Oxide 4.0% Very flexible
Formic Acid None None
Gasoline None None
All Acids (HCl, H2SO4..) None None
Methanol None None
Propylene Oxide - None
Toluene 1.1 Slightly flexible
Osmium Tetroxide None None
Plastisolve - None

Technical Data

Store at room temperature

Kingsley R.E, Cole N. L.: Preparation of cultured mammalian cells for transmission and scanning electron microscopy using ACLAR® film. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique, 10, 77-85 (1988)

Mauve G.M., Brenham J.C., Beattie, M.S.: Ultrastructure of HRP-labeled neurons: a comparison of two sensitive techniques. Brain Research Bulletin, 10, 551 (1983)

Masurovsky E.B., Bunge R.P.: Aclar Film in Biological Electron Microscopy. Journal of Electron Microscopy Technique, 12, 172-173 (1989)

Masurovsky E.B., Bunge R.P.: Fluoroplastic coverslips for long-term nerve tissue culture. Stain Technology, 43, 3, 161–165 (1968)

Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 07-10-2024
EMS50426-10 ACLAR UltRx 2000 film sheets Pack/10 See above $450.00 AUD
EMS50426-25 ACLAR UltRx 2000 film sheets Pack/25 See above $1,014.00 AUD