Histology glass knife strips

Specially selected glass strips for making glass knives. Its hardness produces a durable and sharp edge suitable for thick, semi thin, or ultrathin sections.

Routine production of good glass knives requires a reliable supply of high quality glass strips. ALKAR glass strips from Sweden are produced with great care to control quality. ALKAR's manufacturing process has long been recognised as the established standard worldwide -this glass has been supplied with every LKB Knife Maker for three decades.

ALKAR glass is made by the Pittsburgh glass process. The physical characteristics of this glass are uniform throughout. It is tougher and harder than glass made by other processes. Knives made with this glass are therefore more durable, with long lasting cutting edges needed for long ribbons of sections, thinner sections and sections free from artefacts.

Updated: 03-01-2025
Code Title Size Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 03-01-2025
EMS71016 Histology glass knife strips 6.4 x 25mm Pack/30 0 in stock (?) $504.00 AUD
EMS71017 Histology glass knife strips 8 x 25mm Pack/24 0 in stock (?) $543.00 AUD
EMS71018 Histology glass knife strips 10 x 25mm Pack/18 0 in stock (?) $617.00 AUD