Permanox microscope slides

Permanox is a strong, biologically inert material resistant to non-chlorinated hydrocarbons, acetone, and other EM reagents. Permanox slides allow you to do cell fixation and staining on the slide; they can be cut with scissors. Permanox has not been shown to be autofluorescent. All of the microscope slides are 1" x 3".

NOTE: Long exposure to solvents will cause the slide to warp. Xylene and Toluene based mounting media should be avoided. Glycerol, gelatin, and other aqueous based media are recommended.

Updated: 27-12-2024
Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 27-12-2024
EMS71885 Permanox microscope slides Pack/20 0 in stock (?) $156.00 AUD
EMS71886 Permanox microscope slides Pack/100 0 in stock (?) $587.00 AUD