Giemsa stain stock solution (DG)

Differentiates types of leucocytes, bacteria and inclusion bodies.Stain used for:Toren's Method for Cytoplasmic granule stains: Mast cell stains.Giemsa, Centralbl. F. Publ., Abt. 1,37, 308 (1904) Stain for thick blood films; shows malarial parasites. Barber and Komp, Publ. Health Rep., 44, 2330 (1929) Bone marrow and stain for showing cell morphology; together with May-Grunwald Solution for pap staining. Pappenheim, Folia Haemat., 13, 338 (1912)Giemsa Thick Film Stain for malarial parasites Lillie (1965); Barber and Komp (1929).Wolbach's Giemsa Method Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey (1922) Nuclei, collagen.Giemsa thin film stain solution for differentiation of leucocytes, rickettsia, bacteria and inclusion bodies (Lillie (1965); Giemsa (1904)).Specific Gravity: 0.89

Differentiates types of leucocytes, bacteria and inclusion bodies.

Stain used for:

  • Toren's Method for Cytoplasmic granule stains: Mast cell stains.
  • Giemsa, Centralbl. F. Publ., Abt. 1,37, 308 (1904) Stain for thick blood films; shows malarial parasites. Barber and Komp, Publ. Health Rep., 44, 2330 (1929) 
  • Bone marrow and stain for showing cell morphology; together with May-Grunwald Solution for pap staining. Pappenheim, Folia Haemat., 13, 338 (1912)
  • Giemsa Thick Film Stain for malarial parasites Lillie (1965); Barber and Komp (1929).
  • Wolbach's Giemsa Method Wolbach, Todd, and Palfrey (1922) Nuclei, collagen.
  • Giemsa thin film stain solution for differentiation of leucocytes, rickettsia, bacteria and inclusion bodies (Lillie (1965); Giemsa (1904)).

Specific Gravity: 0.89

Glycerin (CAS#: 56-81-5): 61%
Methyl Alcohol (CAS#: 67-56-1): 38.3%
Azur II (CAS#: 37247-10-2): 0.16%
Azur II Eosin (CAS#: 53092-85-6): 0.06%

For more information on microscopy stains:

Stain Index

Store at room temperature


Updated: 14-03-2025
Code Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 14-03-2025
EMS15940 100ml 0 in stock (?) $62.00 AUD
EMS15941 500ml 0 in stock (?) $147.00 AUD
EMS26153-01 250ml 0 in stock (?) $129.00 AUD