Freeze (cryo) drying pots, stainless steel

Filter membrane freeze drying pots are interlocking specimen holders. The sample is submerged in cryogen and placed in a sample holder that has been pre-cooled. The pots can be placed onto a freeze drying stage using the handling tongs (TEMS009). This process allows for the safe handling of low-temperature specimens while reducing temperature changes.

Updated: 19-01-2025
Code Title Diameter Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 19-01-2025
YEMS010 Freeze (cryo) drying pots, stainless steel 25mm Each 0 in stock (?) $267.00 AUD
YEMS012 Freeze (cryo) drying pots, stainless steel 50mm Each 0 in stock (?) $380.00 AUD
YEMS013 Freeze (cryo) drying pots, stainless steel 50mm Pack/3 0 in stock (?) $1,109.00 AUD