Acetate buffer (DG)

The buffer is a vehicle for the fixative and requires certain properties:

  1. To maintain constant pH during the time of the fixation. The pH of the fixative in EM is adjusted using the buffer system chosen; e.g. range 6.5-8.0.
  2. The ionic constitution to prevent the extraction of cellular components, or the deposition of precipitates of fixative chemicals.

Stain results:

Nissl Substance: Intense Purple
Nuclei: Purple
Background: Clear

AFIP, Manual of Histological Staining Methods, 3rd Ed., Ed. L. Luna: New York: McGraw-Hill Publications, c. 1968, p. 212

Store at room temperature.


Updated: 15-01-2025
Code Title pH Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 15-01-2025
EMS26671-02 Acetate buffer (DG) 6.5-8.0 500ml 0 in stock (?) $75.00 AUD