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Tripod polisher, Model 590S

The Tripod Polisher was designed by scientists at IBM, which is used to prepare accurately micro sizes of TEM and SEM samples. For TEM samples, the Tripod Polisher has been used successfully to limit ion milling times to less than 15 minutes, and in some cases, has eliminated the need for ion milling. It can be used to prepare both plan-view and cross-sections from a variety of sample materials, such as ceramics, composites, metals and, geological specimens.

It is also used to delayer / deprocess semiconductor sample (thin top down). To get the best results with the tripod, ideally the sample should be <5 x 5mm - otherwise, the process creates rounding which overpolish targets.


  • Limited ion milling requirements reduce preferential thinning, radiation damage, and heating of the sample.
  • No strong chemicals are used to prepare the specimen.
  • The same sample can be studied with both SEM and TEM.
  • Reduces sample preparation.
  • Samples can be prepared for TEM without ion milling.

Accessories are available.

Updated: 14-02-2025
Code Title Pack Size Availability Price Updated: 14-02-2025
EMS50115-30 Tripod polisher, Model 590S Each 0 in stock (?) P.O.R. Quote